Here is the .pdf version of the Program for LSRL43 (updated 4/16/13; please note that the Program will be updated periodically. Check date in header of .pdf document for latest version).
Here is the .pdf version of the LSRL43_Abstract Booklet. Registered attendees will receive a bound paper-copy at the conference.
PROGRAM (with links to abstracts):
FIRST DAY: APRIL 17 (Wednesday):
Breakfast, 8:00-9:30am (C201)
Opening Remarks, 9:30-10:00am (C204/205):
- William Fritz, President, the College of Staten Island
- Louise Lennihan, Associate Provost and Dean for Humanities and Social Sciences, The Graduate Center
- Gita Martohardjono, Executive Officer of the Program in Linguistics, The Graduate Center
10:00-11:00am: Invited talk (C204/205). Ricardo Otheguy, The CUNY Graduate Center, A linguistic tour of Latino New York (with emphasis on second generation bilinguals) (Chair: Gita Martohardjono)
11:00-11:30am: Coffee Break (C201)
11:30am-12:30pm: Session 1:
Session 1.1 (Syntax/Semantics), C202; Chair: Maria Luisa Zubizarreta
- On capacities and their epistemic extensions, Elena Castroviejo & Isabel Oltra-Massuet
- Root que in Spanish. Evidentiality vs. Insubordination, Violeta Demonte & Olga Fernandez-Soriano
Session 1.2 (Acquisition), C203; Chair: Ricardo Otheguy
- Converging on probabilistic grammatical patterning, Naomi Lapidus Shin
- Atoms of intervention in the acquisition of A-bar dependencies, Anamaria Bentea & Stephanie Durrleman
Session 1.3 (Syntax), C204/205; Chair: Cecilia Poletto
- The Italian locative lì as a topic head and the typology of topics, Marco Nicolis
- The make-up of clitic clusters in the history of (Gallo-)Romance, Diego Pescarini
12:30-2:30pm Lunch Break
2:30-3:30pm: Session 2:
Session 2.1 (Phonetics/Phonology), C202; Chair: Lori Repetti
- French loanwords in Korean: Modeling lexical knowledge in OT, Haike Jacobs
- “Toned-up” Spanish: stress -> pitch -> tone(?) in Equitorial New Guinea, John Lipski
Session 2.2 (Acquisition), C203; Chair: Gregory Guy
- Input variability and late acquisition: Clitic misplacement in European Portuguese, João Costa, Alexandra Fiéis, & Maria Lobo
- Plurals in Brazilian Portuguese and Chilean Spanish: Variation effects in L1 acquisition, Cristina Schmitt
Session 2.3 (Syntax), C204/205; Chair: Daniel Kaufman
- At the PF Interface: Negation and clitic clusters, Jacopo Garzonio & Cecilia Poletto
- Reviewing constituent negation in Spanish, Ricardo Etxepare & Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria
3:30-4:00pm Coffee Break (C201)
4:00-5:00pm: Session 3:
Session 3.1 (Phonetics/Phonology/Experimental), C202; Chair: Douglas H. Whalen
- Perception of consonantal and vocalic contrasts in heritage and native Spanish speakers, Natalia Mazzaro, Alejandro Cuza, & Laura Colantoni
- Going, going, gone? Devoicing of unstressed vowels in São Paolo Portuguese, Ronald Beline-Mendes & James Walker
Session 3.2 (Syntax/Semantics), C203; Chair: Marcel den Dikken
- On the genericity of mass indefinites, Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin
- Dimensions of definiteness in French-based creoles, Viviane Déprez
Session 3.3 (Historical Syntax), C204/205; Chair: William Haddican
- Participle fronting and clause structure in Old and Middle French, Marie Labelle
- Old French possessives and ellipses, Deborah Arteaga & Julia Herschensohn
5:00-7:00: RECEPTION (Skylight Room, Ninth Floor)
SECOND DAY: APRIL 18 (Thursday):
Breakfast, 8:00-9:00am (C201)
9:00am-12:30pm: SPECIAL PLENARY SESSION ON ROMANCE PARSED CORPORA (C204/205); Chair: Christina Tortora
- 9:00-10:00am, Anthony Kroch & Beatrice Santorini, U. of Pennsylvania, The syntactic evolution of French as seen in the MCVF corpus
15 minute break (10:00-10:15am)
- 10:15-11:15am, Charlotte Galves, U. of Campinas, The Tycho Brahe Corpus of Historical Portuguese: Methodology and results
15 minute break (11:15-11:30am)
- 11:30am-12:30pm, Ana Maria Martins, U. of Lisbon, Dialect syntax through corpora: the subject doubling se construction
12:30-2:30pm: Lunch Break; Business Meeting (partially overlapping with lunch): 2:00-2:30 (Room C204/205)
2:30-3:30pm: Session 4:
Session 4.1 (Syntax/Semantics), C202; Chair: Julia Herschensohn
- French modals “falloir” and “devoir” and antecedent determination in Control Clauses, Lisa Reed & Marc Authier
- The epistemic and counterfactual interpretations of present perfect pouvoir in French, Alda Mari
Session 4.2 (Experimental), C203; Chair: Isabelle Barrière
- Analyzing the structure of code-switched written texts: The case of Guaraní-Spanish Jopara, Bruno Estigarribia & Zachary Wilkins
- Beyond the subject DP vs. the subject pronoun divide in agreement in Spanish, Juana Liceras, Raquel Fernández Fuertes, & Anahí Alba de la Fuente
Session 4.3 (Historical Syntax), C204/205; Chair: Beatrice Santorini
- The distribution of bare nominals in Old French: A quantitative analysis of two 12th Century texts, Monique Dufresne, Mireille Tremblay, & Rose-Marie Déchaine
- Pre-verbal subjects, information structure, and object clitic position in Old Occitan, Bryan Donaldson
3:30-4:00pm Coffee Break (C201)
4:00-5:00pm: Session 5:
Session 5.1 (Phonetics), C202; Chair: Barbara Bullock
- On Southwestern Sinalefa, Brian Funk
- Development of a spontaneous speech corpus for the articulatory study of consonantal weakening, Laura Colantoni & Alexei Kochetov
Session 5.2 (Syntax), C203; Chair: Cristina Schmitt
- VP ellipses, null objects, and aspect as a licensing category in Brazilian Portuguese, Sonia Cyrino & Ruth Lopes
- Low sentence structure and word order in French, Karen Lahousse
Session 5.3 (Language Change), C204/205; Chair: Stefania Marzo
- Stages of grammaticalization of the assertion structure in Spanish varieties, Maria Luisa Zubizarreta
- Spanish por + a > para: Loss of compositionality in grammaticalization, Rena Torres-Cacoullos & Joseph Bauman
5:00-5:30pm: Coffee Break (Skylight Room, Ninth Floor)
5:30-6:30pm: Session 6:
Romance Parsed Corpora, Skylight Room; Chair: Anthony Kroch
- The challenges and benefits of annotating bilingual corpora: The SPinTX corpus project, Barbara Bullock, Almeida Jacqueline Toribio, & Arthur Wendorf
- Diachronic syntax based on constituency and dependency annotated corpora, Achim Stein
7:00-10:00pm CONFERENCE DINNER at Via Emilia, 47 East 21st Street, between Broadway and Park Ave.
THIRD DAY: APRIL 19 (Friday):
Breakfast, 8:00-9:00am (9204)
9:00-10:30am: Session 7:
Session 7.1 (Prosody/Syntax), 9205; Chair: Janet Fodor
- A reconsideration of discourse-related syntactic movement motivated by prosody in Spanish, Carolina Barrera-Tobón & Bradley Hoot
- Prosodic boundary effect on the syntactic parsing of French utterance fragments, Amandine Michelas & Mariapaola D’Imperio
- Epistemic adverbs, the theory of phases, and the prosody-syntax interface, Alessandra Giorgi
Session 7.2 (Syntax/Semantics), 9206; Chair: Ana Maria Martins
- Non-counterfactual past subjunctive conditionals in French, Fabienne Martin
- A fine-grained analysis of analytic causatives in Romance, Mihaela Marchis
- Resultatives with stative predicates: From Romanian to Mandarin Chinese, Monica Irimia
Session 7.3 (Syntax), 9207; Chair: Raffaella Zanuttini
- French wh in-situ, Ur Shlonsky
- Embedded fragment answers, sluices, and referentiality in Spanish, Carlos de Cuba & Jonathan MacDonald
- The determiner restriction in Romance and Germanic nominalizations, Gianina Iordachioaia
10:30-11:00am Coffee Break (9204)
11:00am-12:30pm: Session 8:
Session 8.1 (Phonetics/Phonology), 9205; Chair: Robert Vago
- Phonetic cues in the production of aspectual periphrases, Patricia Amaral, Meghan Armstrong, & Luciana Lucente
- Spanish voiced obstruent alternation and underspecification in OT, Sonia Colina
Session 8.2 (Romanian Syntax), 9206; Chair: John Bailyn
- Gerunds in Early-Modern Romanian, Gabriela Alboiu & Virginia Hill
- Romanian tough-constructions and multi-headed constituents, Ion Giurgea
- The Romanian subjunctive: A delayed onset, Virginia Hill
Session 8.3 (NP/Adj/Agr), 9207; Chair: Judy Bernstein
- Some notes on the syntax of imposter DPs in two Romance languages, Gabriela Soare
- Gender agreement with animate nouns in French, Petra Sleeman & Tabea Ihsane
- On the aspectual properties of adjectives, Silvia Gumiel-Molina, Norberto Moreno, & Maria Isabel Pérez-Jiménez
12:30-2:15pm Lunch Break (Note slightly shorter lunch break; only 1 hour 45 min)
2:15-3:15pm: Session 9:
- Coalescence and hybrid vowels in the realization of Spanish four-vocoid sequences, Gabriela Vokic & Jorge Guitart
- The a/di/Ø alternation in Italian complex Ps: P selection or C selection?, Jacopo Garzonio & Silvia Rossi
Session 9.2 (Italian Dialect Syntax), 9206; Chair: Francisco Ordóñez
- Prepositionless home in some Northern Italian dialects: From N to Particle (to P), Silvia Rossi
- Marsican Deixis and the Indexical Nature of Syntax, Mario Saltarelli
Session 9.3 (Bilingualism), 9207; Chair: William McClure
- Convergence in feature mapping: Evidentiality, aspect, and nominalizations in Quechua-Spanish bilinguals, Liliana Sánchez
- Direct object expression and its semantic properties in Catalan-Spanish Bilingualism, Silvia Perpiñán
3:15-3:45pm Coffee Break (9204)
3:45-4:45pm: Session 10:
Session 10.1 (Portuguese Syntax), 9205; Chair: Charlotte Galves
- Raising and hyper-raising across experiencer in Brazilian Portuguese: A vP phase evidence, Carolina Petersen
- Reduced parenthetical clauses in Portuguese: A comparative approach, Gabriela Matos
Session 10.2 (Syntax), 9206; Chair: Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin
- Reverse psych-verb constructions with and without clitic-doubling in Peninsular Spanish, Chiyo Nishida
- Polar positive answers in Brazilian Portuguese, Mary Kato
Session 10.3 (Bilingualism/L2 Acquisition), 9207; Chair: José Camacho
4:45-5:15pm Coffee Break (9204)
5:15-6:15pm: Invited talk (Skylight Room). Lori Repetti, Stony Brook University, The Phonology of Postverbal Pronouns in Romance Languages (Chair: Hermann Haller)